Apr 22, 2008 00:01
my first online journal post in quite a while. I don't know exactly how long ago, and I'm too lazy to check. all I know is that it's been far too long. the joys of typing away my mind's churnings was forgotten; that is, until now.
ah sweet life. what a treasure you are. I can only wonder at the intricate clockworks of your many puzzles and wish for more when they have passed me by.
I'm attempting to work up the nerve to sell all my gaming equipment, dvds and vhs tapes - the mini television will likely stay; my parents will have a use for it I'm sure - but this is proving difficult. I keep saying, "well what if you want to play this game? or that game? or watch that movie? you won't be able to now will you." to which I reply: "you've already experienced all these games and movies more times than is healthy. why keep them at all? it's only a waste of time. plus you should be studying instead." invariably these conversations end with me wondering why I don't think in the first person.
it is technically the start of spring. that means the spring rains are still in full force, with occasional fits of sunlight (read: "that guy's having a fit!"). this was especially enjoyed on the sunday last when I had the opportunity to play bocce ball with a few good friends. we had a good long time of things before the spring rains finally came to cease our ball-throwing ecstacies.
I am so much braver when I am with friends. I feel most like myself around them. with my friends I can be the strange, goofy idiot that I truly feel I am. it's nice to know as well that I don't really have to try to impress them by vomiting up anything and everything I've consumed at school; I do anyway for my own impressment (me: "wow you really know a lot about the way proteins are made." me still: "yeah I know. I'm pretty much awesome").
the nice thing about living in the country is that you get to be regaled by the one song your bovine neighbors know how to sing. oh did I say nice? I meant crappy. cow-dung crappy.
I have more to say but not enough dignity left.