Day 3

May 13, 2009 16:51

Still nothing exciting to report from my internship. A boring meeting that I could barely keep my eyes open for, some online "class" work. I'm really tired of people talking at me instead of to me. Most of them it's not intentional, they're just used to rattling stuff off and not thinking twice about it. My mentor is getting better about talking to me instead of at me (and not completely over my head). Biggest thing with him is just asking questions and having him repeat stuff. It seems if I do more than just nod when he talks, he can relate better. More grinding of seeds today, thankfully that is done (at least for now). I also got the exciting job of doing dishes. They weren't the regular dishes though (someone does them for us) but instead some pieces to a really complicated machine that they don't trust the regular dishwashers with...don't I feel special. At least I'm in the lab. My 3 fellow classmates still haven't been into their labs yet, just reading and doing paperwork and the online course stuff. My mentor and supervisor are both going to be out of the office tomorrow and Friday. James has me set up to work with another group for the next two days so that I at least have something to do. I think, if I understood James correctly, that one of the things I will be doing tomorrow will be a small scale of what I will be doing next week.

In non-work related matters, I've been working on cleaning the house and getting ready to move. I realize I'm moving all of 3 or 4 blocks away, but everything still has to be packed up and cleaned, whee! It's nice to be able to take care of this and not have to worry about school work. I should start working out after work. I've been working on losing weight (I've lost 32 lbs since the end of January), but it's all been with diet thus far. Ok, time to go do something productive instead of sitting on my ass in front of the computer.
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