We are just a few hours away from the inauguration of President Barack Hussein Obama.
A year ago, I would not have imagined this day could come. Looking at the presidential contenders, I saw a lot of "more of the same", "modest improvements", and wild longshots who didn't have a chance of winning.
None of them inspired me. Until I took a closer look at Barack Obama.
And when I did, I was inspired to get involved politically in ways that I never would have even imagined before.
serolynne and I even dedicated a month of our life to his campaign.
He won my trust. And he won the election.
And now I intend to hold him accountable. I am counting on the rest of America to do the same.
Obama has already started off in the right direction - setting up a more open and transparent administration than any that has come before. I am hoping this is only the start, and that we really are on the verge of seeing a reinvention of how government works.
One of the things I most admire about Obama is that he is a pragmatist in idealists clothing. I am actually looking forward to Obama disappointing me on some big things.
And I hope that he does. That is his job.
He needs to be a pragmatist. He needs to decide carefully what battles are best saved to fight another day.
I have immense hopes that he will pick a few battles, and he will fight hard to win them. I anticipate making more progress in the next four years than we have made in the last fifty in many areas. And hopefully in many others we will be able to undo the damage of the past eight.
I know that I will get pissed off at Obama at times for backing down from fights I would have rather seen him attack ferociously.
But... I am hopeful that overall, he will make smart choices, he will pick his battles wisely, and he will win most of them.
I have never been so hopeful about the prospects of a president.
Tomorrow is a new day indeed. A new day for America, and the world.
I have never been more proud to be an American.