Feb 22, 2006 21:13
so i haven't updated in a while
we won in mock trial.. which was nice..
hopeufully this means we'll go again so kase can come
umm friday i celebrated valentines day..
sat- worked.. kinda argued with kasey .. got over it
sun. took a really long walk over the bear mt bridge.. talked to my baby girl stephy
monday i think i saw kasey.. we ate pizza.. the whole flour story.. don;t feel like gettin into it.. but if you;re interested ask cuase it's actually a really fnunny story.. kasey got me 12 roses and they were delivered to my house .. alas never got them.. that is the short version .. the thought was there.. so i think it was really sweet and i'm really special becuase yes kasey everyone else got thier flowers on tuesday and i didn;t get mine till monday.. so i was very very extra special.. anyway got his money back and then we went out to dinner..
umm tuesday.. went to the city with my family to see the intrepid.. really really cool.. then went to nathens in yonkers.. never been there before.. not that bad.. the i went to coll till's house and there were a few people there and watched rent
today.. went to the city with kase.. i think i had more fun on the train then the acutal city.. kasey was in a really really silly mood.. he;s got this special tallent where he can like pop his bottom lip.. really something to see in person and i really can;t describe it.. but he;ll only do it when he;s in certain moods.. he;s got to be silly and giggly.. but lucky me he was like that today.. umm what else we went to the new york city library.. saw jimmy and coll till there..and fun yes .. but not amazing.. i've had better trips to the city.. not better train rides though.. then we went to the library in valhalla.. and i got a library card.. and i got a book .. and then we went to the dam and talked for alittle bit.. it was a nice day weather wise though kinda cold but an overall good day..
tomarrow .. maybe no kasey.. i;ll give him a break.. i have to go to the dentist..
friday.. kasey as much and i can get.. shit
sat.. work
sunday.. who knows
monday.. the love of my life will be in my arms.. the girl of my deams.. my babbyy girl stephyyy.. captin of the football team .. dreamy highschool hunk
it's kinda emotionless the whole entry .. kinda unlike me .. but i guess i'm tired.. i really did have a wonderful day..
i guess that;s about it