Feb 15, 2005 19:38
Don’t you love it how the days when you want to do the least you end up having to do the most? Today marked the beginning of the musical, at least for me. Let me tell you, I felt really manly trying to learn tap dance with about fifty other people in a small room. Not to mention the jazz dancing. I do have to admit, it was fun getting to see all the theater people again. I haven’t realized up to now I much I really depended on theater to fill up my time, because just being there did rejuvenate me somewhat. However, that was immediately drained out of me by the dancing and the overwhelming heat. Blah. By the way, the musical this year is “Anything Goes.” Basically, you have your basic love story, plus a cruise ship and tap dancing sailors…umm...right. I also think I heard something about nudists in the song that was playing while we were trying to learn the dance. Should be a party. Plus, haircut after dancing. Finally. It was starting to get a little outrageous.
Well, I suppose that I should start on humanities. I’ve got to draw a Greek urn and have some part of the story of Dionysus in it. That class has more stupid busy work than any class I’ve had in a long time. I mean really, a Greek urn? Why? What do I learn from this? Hoo-hum. Well, time to work!
Thought of the Day: “Always remember, two wrongs don’t make a right. However, three rights DO make a left.”