Oct 23, 2005 12:42
oh please help my guatemalan family.
i just received this email from my teacher and host mother in guatemala regarding the recent effects on their community from hurricane stan.
repost. send money.
these people have the biggest hearts. the community they are helping is not well off. i volunteered at la guardaria when i stayed with her. these children are so full of love and playfullness, they haven't yet been exhasuted by life. they are the children of single mothers who are able to work or go to school while la guardaria cares for their children. but they have so little already. no running water or electricity. the community around them is not as well off as the town of quetzaltenango. the people seriously can barely get by from day to day, with their wits, creativity and community support. now they have even less.
i can't help but sit here and cry as i write this. t
he message is in spanish and then translated into english. if you have any questions, please email me at pumpkinpants1234@yahoo.com
Queridos amigos y amigas,
En este tiempo que ha transcurrido les quiero contar que continuamos trabajando con el mismo entusiasmo como desde el primer día. Muchas cosas han pasado, nuestras maestras y maestros siguen enseñado con el esmero de siempre. Yo como directora continúo el proyecto en nuestra guardería de niños de Cantón Choquí, actualmente hay 33 niños y niñas que son muy lindas y requieren atención, afecto y ayuda. También acabamos de integrarnos al grupo del “Centro de Desarrollo Humano” esta organización busca la solución a la violencia interfamiliar, aquí trabajamos voluntariamente con las promotores de diferentes Zonas de Xela. Quiero contarles que después de la depresión tropical “Stan” nuestra coordinadora voluntaria MonaMarie, toda la familia y yo estamos trabajando duro para poder proveer de víveres y agua pura a la región del Cantón Choquí. Algunas de estas personas perdieron su casa, sus cosechas y todas sus cosas personales. Así es que con la colaboración internacional ya hemos organizado dos distribuciones de lo mas indispensable. Por esta razón les escribo para tocarles las puertas de su corazón. Necesitamos más ayuda, estos problemas son prolongas, no se resuelven rápidamente. Así es que si pudieran enviarnos algo de dinero para continuar nuestra labor, yo se los agradecería mucho. Cualquier cantidad es bienvenida, ustedes con poco harán un gran cambio en esas personas necesitadas. Agradezco con anticipación su ayuda y atención al la presente. Y desde Xela enviamos nuestras más cordiales saludos.
Atentamente, Gladis Castillo Directora
·Nuestra número de cuenta es: Gladis Eunice Castillo Díaz 78-0801438-9 Banco Agromercantil Guatemala, Centro América
·Western Union con destinatario: Gladis Castillo, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
·Las personas de Alemania pueden mandar su donación por medio de la organización “Elote e.V.“ Más info a: www.elote.de Elote e.V. Konto: 201 540 50 BLZ: 721 513 40 Sparkasse Eichstätt Stichwort: Hilfe für Choquí
Dear Friends;
Much time has passed and I like to tell you that we are still working with the same enthusiasm like the first day. Many things have happened, but our teachers are still working with the same neatness. I as director are still working with our project in the guarderia in Choquí. At the moment there are 33 girls and boys, all very nice and they need attention, love and also help. Also we started working with a group of the “Centro de Desarrollo Humano”. This organization is working in the field of “domestic violence” and we are working with voluntary Promoters of all parts of Xela. With this card I also like to tell you that after the depression “Stan” our voluntary coordinator MonaMarie , the hole family and I are working very hard for providing food and drinking-water for the region of Choquí. Some of the families there lost their house, their crop and all personally goods. Because of this we have yet organized two distributions of lacking goods with international help. For this reason I’m writing to you to make a call to your hearts: we need more help because this problems will last for a long time; it’s not possible solve them in a sort way. I would be very glad and thankful, if you would have any possibility of helping us with financial support, that we can hang on with our work here. Every amount is welcome, because even with less you could make a great change for the suffering people here. I like to thank you for your attention and your help,
With best wishes from Xela,
Yours, Gladis Castillo. Director
·Our account is: Gladis Eunice Castillo Díaz 78-0801438-9 Banco Agromercantil Guatemala, Centró América
·Western Union with destination: Gladis Castillo, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala