wherein my grades are inversely proportional to the square of my tv-watching hours

Oct 31, 2009 23:30

♜ Meeting vvvaudevillian (and possibly plumerri) @ Victoria Theatre tomorrow for Neil Gaiman's talk on Graphic Novels and Fantasy. SO EXCITED ZOMFG. Will probably bring Eternals #1 and my Sandman poster for him to sign, seeing as how I somehow don't own any book of his (what travesty is this, self? brb resisting urge to run out and purchase American Gods. nao.)

♜ Random (TV-related) meme time!

Shamelessly stolen from twentyplanes:
Make a post with posters of your favourite TV shows, thus keeping a record of everything you've watched! Pick your top favourites, pick a few, or pick them all!

So anyway I kindasorta totally picked all my favorite shows (I couldn't make up my mind, alright?!). In alphabetical order, because I'm ~organised~ like that. Probably left out a few, whoops.







*as much as Grey's Anatomy utterly bores me now, seasons 1 and 2 still hold a ~speshul~ place in mah heart.

picspams, fandom: glee, fandom: farscape, fandom: chuck, picspams: television, fandom: bears beets battlestar galactica, random: meme, fandom: firefly

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