crazy kitten

Sep 24, 2010 03:59

So a few weeks ago I took pity on a poor mouse that had spent the last (and first) year of his life at the humane society and brought him home and then named my new little "mousecot" Leroy. I figured the kitties would be as amused at "mouse theater" as they are at "rabbit theater" so I thought Leroy might as well live out his days amusing my cats and it would be a more productive life than dying at the pound.

They ended up being REALLY amused so since I didn't wish to scare Leroy to death, he has lived in my room where the kitties do not go unless I allow them in.

But as he has never seemed scared of the cats, and regularly comes to the edges of his cage to interact with them, tonight I left my room open so they could interact for a bit. After a while I heard a great ruckus which sounded like multiple grocery bags running down my hall. I went to investigate but didn't see anything so I continued what I was doing and sort of forgot about it.

After another half hour or so I decided that the cats should have had enough fun, so I went down the hall and called "kittens!" which is how I usually get the cats to leave my room. One cat surfaced. I didn't understand where the other had gone to as upon investigation I didn't see her anywhere in the room, so I went to the kitchen to get the cat treats for the one who had responded. Then I heard another plastic bag ruckus surfacing from behind the washer/dryer, shortly followed by the missing kitten poking her head out from behind the dryer with a bag around her neck. Poor kitty had apparently been hiding back there for some time, and now she seemed stuck because she would only advance so far towards me and then just stand there looking helpless. I grabbed the broom to dislodge the bag from her neck and she came out.

I can't believe that she lodged herself back there for so long and didn't ever meow in protest, but thank goodness I went to get the cat treats or she could have been back there all night. I wish I had thought to take pictures as it really was a pathetic sight, but I was so shocked to find here there all I could think to do was to get her out. This almost matches the time I lost a cat to my downstairs neighbors wall (though at least when that kitty fell into the wall he had sense enough to meow. I guess this is what I get for adopting a kitty whose mom and dad are likely littermates). Kitties are so crazy!
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