Oct 31, 2006 09:27
One day I hope they find an instant cure for Depression instead of fucking with trying to find the perfect balance. Although I am a messenger of GOD I don't have his powers to just place my hand on her forhead and say you are fine. Depression is such a poison that infects us at least once in our lives. I see so much in her that was my life just last year. I'm just glad she copes with it a little better. My actions in the past were irational, irresponsible and they are still comming back to haunt me today. However when you are in that state your mind might as well be on par with any other with a degenerative mental difficiancy. I'm just glad I am out of it and I owe a lot to her for pulling me out. I hope that a helping hand will be a big part of pulling her out of this hole as well as my knowledge from my own past experience. It has to be good for something. And to everyone else out there suffering from a similar infliction I can assure you as the good Reverend you have all come to love that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.