(no subject)

Jan 11, 2009 15:45

Hey guys, I'm just checking in...I guess with myself, since I'm probably the only one that still reads this lol. But i'm just sitting here watching football playoffs, not really doing anything special. Tomorrow I have a job interview, I hope I get it, it's not really a place I want to work since they sell handbags, but a job is a job, and I need the money lol. I have so much I need to pay off, here is a list:
Line of Credit- 8000$
Mastercard - 1500$
Visa - 900$
OSAP - 2500$
Total - too fucking much :(. I think by the time I'm done school, I should have my Visa, MC, and most of the OSAP payed off, so when I start at the Safari again in April, I can use that money only for my line of credit and hopefully get that paid off after the summer. I will be so happy to be out of debt! I want to hopefully buy another lens for my camera, a fish eye lens, and hopefully an external flash but I doubt i'd buy both in one year unless I keep working all through the year. So we'll see where i'm at in 6 months haha. Anyways, I'm going to watch the finish of the Giants/Eagles game, and then watch the game I actually want to watch, Pitt/SD
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