(no subject)

May 16, 2007 16:07

Maybe I should start writing down my picks for reality shows since it seems I can't get them wrong. This year for American Idol I picked Jordin and Blake. I don't think they're both going to be in the finale, but I've had a pretty good track record of both Canadian Idol, American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance picking people who never get voted off. 
Uhm, nothings been going on in my life lately thats why I don't really write here anymore, my pictures all go up on facebook because it's easier for me to upload them. I am currently jobless but I just submitted my resume to the Safari again, so I should get a job by next week lol.
My mom got a new car, it's a dark green 2000 Volkswagon Cabriolet, and she loves it. I love it too. I got 500$ from my income tax this year, and I haven't bought anything with it, mainly because I can't really afford to, between saving for University and having to buy a new computer (definately going with a Dell, I was going to go for a Mac but then realized how many things the university uses aren't set up for a Mac, and really, who uses a computer that's for art/graphics/music during school which is about papers etc?)
I just have to say, it's only May 16th and I already have a tan and I love it. Skin cancer here I come. I have to start reading my Harry Potter books because the new book comes out soon and the movie and I want to have it all fresh in my mind again.
I'm not sure how many people know yet, but in April (13&14) I went to Toronto because Katharine was going to be at Muchmusic and perform at the Canadian Idol auditions the next day, so me and Megan went because no one else wanted to go with me, and I couldn't find anyone that would drive down there so we took the bus and stayed in a hotel that Rachel found for me on the internet (thanks Rach, it was actually a really nice place for how cheap it was!) Then we walked to MuchMusic and it took like 20 minutes from our hotel tops. There we got to be in studio so everytime she was interviewed I was behind her head lol. Then the next day we saw her perform at the auditions and I got to meet her afterwards! I talked to her for a short while and she was really nice to everyone, and her boyfriend Nick was there and I talked to him for about 2 seconds while he lurked in the background like he always does. Anyways, I got videos from it so i'll put them on youtube maybe. Anyways, that's about it, I have to watch Young and the Restless and pick out what I'm going to make for supper since I think it'll just be me and Jenny.
Peace up.
A-town Down.
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