Nov 27, 2002 12:49
Going home is a trip. Wasn't I just writing about where I grew up? And now I'm actually here, though I'm the first one home.
*There are good things about going home:
1)I like my parents, they're... ecclectic.
2)They have way more food in the house than is necessary for 2 people who are never home anyway. We are talking a mini Costco here, with all the cheezit and freeze-dried fruit trimmings.
3)It's like a mini vacation, and really isolated from everything else.
4)I get to see my cats.
5)Naps are common here. I like this. Thank God I brought along my extra fancy baggy 70's cool pants that I wear every day- very nap-friendly.
*But there are also some not-so-fun things about going home:
1)Hours of stories from said parents about how cute the cats are, how smart they are, how they drink out of the toilet, etc etc.
2)No smoking interesting substances, and drinking invlolves having wine with mom and sneaking an extra couple of glasses while no one's looking.
3)San Jose sucks ass. Traffic is worse than L.A. Everyone has the brain of a gnat. Every time I come back, there is a new strip mall. Just today I saw a new Mercedes lot where there used to be fields. Assholes.
4)I have no phone reception here. My umbelical cord is cut off from all my lovelies for a while.
5)My parents watch more tv than I thought was humanly possible. And for God's sake, it's not even Comedy Central like any normal person would watch, it's that damned Animal Planet with their silly dogs chasing their tales and that strange Australian man who gets way too sexually excited about crocodiles.
On that note, Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope you consume insane amounts of turkey, cranberries, and don't forget the pie, kiddies!