Today marks the 40th anniversary of the
Kent State Shootings. Being that I had today off, I grabbed my camera and headed down to campus to take some pictures, walk around campus, and listen to the speakers. I got there just in time to listen to the time-line of the events leading up to the May 4th massacre.
At 12:24 pm, the time that the Ohio National Guard opened fire on the demonstrators, they rang the liberty bell on the grassy commons. They also released doves. In all it only took 13 seconds and 67 bullets to kill 4 students and wound 9. Words don’t really cover the historical significance of the Kent State Shootings. It was beautiful out today, and being the big history nerd I am, I found it very humbling to be down on campus for the anniversary. Without further ado, some pictures:
Ringing the liberty bell.
Shot of the crowd.
Shot of the crowd from up the hill. Also shows the daffodils planted for every soldier that died in the Vietnam War on the hillside.
Memorial marker in the parking lot.
William Schroeder
Allison Krause
Sandra Scheuer
Jeffrey Miller
View of the parking lot and memorial markers.
Speaker up on the stage.
People wrote messages with chalk all over the ground in the parking lot.
Originally published at
radkitten.nu. Please leave any
comments there.