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I’ve been trying the past couple of days to get this
FAQ plugin to work to no avail. I think I’m about to give up. I don’t think I would get very many questions anyway. But I thought it would be fun
The past couple days have been uneventful. In true fashion Advanced Auto never called Sunday even though Chris’s water pump came in. By the time he called and found out they were getting ready to close. So he’s going to go pick that up today. In a little bit I’m gonna wake him up and have him take me downtown to apply at the coffee shop thats hiring. Hopefully that goes good. Although it’ll probably take them a couple days to call me back for an interview, etc.
Outside of that I’ve just done some laundry and started dinner marinating. Chicken breasts seasoned and marinated in italian dressing with rice pilaf for dinner. Yummy and easy. I’ve been super bored because I haven’t been in the mood to play WoW in the slightest. Everytime I log on everyone is in a bad mood and I just don’t feel like dealing with it. Not to mention I needed some time away from the crap on there. It may make me a bad GL for a few days, but they will all live.
So instead I’ve been surfing around online looking for other things to do and sitting here really fucking bored. I’ve been wanting to add things to the site, but what I don’t know. So if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to suggest it. Doesn’t really matter what either.
For now I guess it’s back to surfing around aimlessly before I go take a shower and get Chris up, etc.