Jul 20, 2011 02:30
Two weeks in and countless attempts at reading House/Wilson fanfiction later, I'm dying to know-where is the good stuff?
How do I sort my way through the mountain of crap and get to the GOOD stuff? I'm talking about the cream of the crop, can't miss it, and life would not be complete without it sort of fanfiction. Am I missing something or just typing in the wrong Google search terms? How can such an awesome show have such an arsenal of mediocre fic? Every night I finish watching another three to six episodes, I'm invigorated again on my quest for House/Wilson, only to be disappointed 15 minutes later when I realize that I'm once again swimming through a cesspool uninventive plot devices and static characterization. House was one of the most popular shows in the last few years-don't tell me that there wasn't any good output during its heydey...!
Someone please prescribe me some awesome House/Wilson because I have had it up to here with differential disappointment and am going to go into anaphylactic shock if I have to skim through one more adverb-ridden fic. X(
hey internets,
why such a spaz,