I was doing a meme and then it died. Woe. And I really shouldn't do so many memes but it's... therapeutic? D; It makes me feel a little better, at least.
❄ List ten things about yourself that you dislike or want to change.
❄ List ten things about yourself that you like and/or want to keep.
❄ List ten other things about yourself you want other people to know.
❄ Love trumps profit. Have some love. ♥♥♥~
❄ To dislike/change:
1. I don't like how I'm practically always insecure about my abilities, be it artistic or literary or what.
2. I want to change how I'm stagnating with my art.
3. I want to change how I'm not sleeping and am chugging enough caffeine to probably send a horse into an epileptic fit. Or something. /not a med student for obvious reasons
4. I don't really like how I'm short. I can't change that, though. xD
5. I want to change my weight--it's a little embarrassing to dress up when I'm probably first going to be noted as "the fat girl." D;
6. I want to stop eating so much.
7. I want to like myself better.
8. I don't like my singing voice right now, it's... there's something missing.
9. I don't like how I'm so focused on getting people to like me in a cappella club that even though I love it and I want us to sound good I stay quiet when people mistake someone being tone deaf or just totally out of tune for "natural harmony."
10. I want to change how horrible I am at leaving comments on other people's work. It's hypocritical of me to want feedback so badly but never say a word on anything anyone else does.
❄ To like/not to change:
1. I like that my new hairstyle (even if it has kind of killed itself over the course of a few showers) has gotten positive attention. :)
2. I like that I can drink black coffee, even if I have a tummy ache afterward if I drink too much of it.
3. I like that I often don't write fic so much as it writes me. It's so unreliable but sometimes the results make me happy enough to be worth the hassle.
4. I like instances when I can stay warm when it's cold by sheer virtue of my blubber. XDD Secretly I am a seal. 8D
5. I like that my Japanese proficiency is improving.
6. I don't want to change that I can laugh at stupid little things. I like to think it helps me prove that I'm human.
7. Undoubtedly it will bring me a lot more pain in the future but despite how I whine and moan about it I don't want to change how I fall in love with impossible people. Maybe someday one of those impossible people will love me back and it will have been worth all the heartbreak.
8. I don't really want to change how I sort of view my writing as an entity in of itself. It certainly takes charge of its own creation often enough, and it's quirky. It's like having a virtual buddy in my head who only speaks when I'm typing/writing something.
9. I like that I'm not reacting over every cutie I see. My getting this way wasn't exactly healthy, and it's difficult to do anything right in terms of initiating or being on the receiving end of a proposed initiation of a relationship, but at least I don't get distracted all that easily.
10. I like that I can find things about myself to like.
❄ Ten other notes:
1. I do not play the tuba. I do not plan to play the tuba. If I venture into brass instruments I'll try the trumpet first.
2. I love cats, even if sometimes they do not love me.
3. I think I have some kind of back problem--occasionally I get backaches and the last one was pretty debilitating. I'm getting it looked at as soon as I have time/there's an opportune moment to let my father know.
4. I started singing when I was a preschooler and this was to songs from a Little Mermaid video tape. Except for some reason I was also shy and when someone commented that they thought I had a good voice I ran and hid in a plastic playhouse.
5. I remember a police motorcycle at that same preschool. Back then we were all tiny so the motorcycle seemed so huge, and I don't remember much of the cop at all. Just the motorcycle.
6. I like decorating with fabric paint/glitter glue as long as it's in a tube/bottle where you have decent control over how much comes out.
7. Once, some years ago, I was mad at my mother and put paint in her piano. She was very angry about that. The piano tuner came by some time later and was perplexed at the paint-covered string.
8. I mistook a sax for a brass instrument as recently as last week. What with my mother being more-or-less a music major this was highly embarrassing.
9. I like cute plush toys. Teddy bears and cats and stuff like that. Also, my frowny blue Moyashimon whose expression is perfect for being stuck in traffic/being ill and sniffly, and my Ice Bat as long as it is not night time and I do not wind up looking at it suddenly because its eyes and teeth are white on its black body and I scare myself that way. D: He makes a good pillow, though--not quite as good as Moko-Poko (the Moyashimon) because Moko-Poko is like one of those sand-filled squishy pillows except not. 8D I still need to name the Ice Bat. I can't let my roommates name it, my fish from August that I forgot about the last time I was asked the pets question (oops D;) became Fysh due to them. D: (Sister renamed it Tiana but I need to find a name that I like overall.)
10. My coffee is cold. D;
And that is all. Here, have some more love. ♥♥♥~
... okay. Back to fic and work and voice posts that are still overdue.