Or, for the non-moonspeak-savvy, "OKAY TOKYO!" Brought to you by Byakuran's seiyuu during Rebocon 3.
So, yesterday I neglected to make an entry, but basically there was train-hopping and then we hopped on a flight back to Tokyo. Radish's adventures in Hokkaido ended officially as of yesterday, as did the foodie-oriented itinerary.
This morning around eleven or so I hopped on the Toei Mita line and rode to Jimbocho, where I switched to the Shinjuku line and went to the Squeenix shop. That was fun. Anyway, I am the proud new owner of a) a replacement Tonberry thermos for the one I mislaid at ALA earlier this year, and b) an FFXIII Shiva shirt. Shiva in 13 seems to be a pair of twins, but they're sexy twins. And they turn into a motorcycle which is also sexy. Of course I bought a shirt.
Anyway, after the Squeenix shop (and my failing at Japanese there) I hopped on the Shinjuku line and headed back to Shinjuku where my Rail Pass saw much use. As in I got on the Yamanote Line and headed to Ikebukuro.
In Ikebukuro I went to the Animate and bought two Hakka Pink collaboration USUK titles and one Wrong Direction 5927 title, as well as a Junjou Romantica artbook and a Kaori Yuki artbook (looked like Angel Sanctuary, anyway.) I also bought a copy of Asuka comic magazine and a photobook of cosplayer idols or something. Male cosplayer idols. I'm thinking a certain someone might like that.
Hopped on the Yamanote line and skipped Akihabara--went straight to Hamamatsucho and the Tokyo Pokemon Center. Sadly enough there were no Mudkips or Espeons. :< I bought you guys a Marshtomp figurine and an Espeon figurine, though. Not much of a replacement, but, uh.
Also bought a Mewtwo shirt and a couple of these adorable coin purses. And a Togepi plush, because they had those. Just no Mudkips. (So I heard you don't like Mudkipz, PC. Fail. :<)
After that I hung out for a while taking advantage of all the kids with DS's doing wireless--my TWEWY game got plenty of Mingle PP. I also made a few new friends, lol. And I traded a lot, so I have new ID numbers too. On my Diamond game. 8D;; Mixed records, too.
I got on the Yamanote line again androde to Shibuya, where I hit Tower Records for a couple On/Off cd's. Then I wandered over to Mandarake and snagged several 5927 titles, several USUK titles, and a lot of France/Spain and Turkey/Greece (apparently uke!Greece is all Turkey/Greece, except for one book which had Turkey, Greece, and... Egypt.) A couple titles look kind of shota-ish, though. Sorry, big sister Berry!
Anyway, my bags were really heavy by this time (I had the foresight to bring along a couple of bigger bags I could pack all of my purchases into) so I staggered back to the station, hopped on the Yamanote line (making for a full loop when the Shinjuku stop came up) and got off at Sugamo. Hopped on the Mita line at Sugamo and rode back to the apartment. Feet hurt. Hands hurt.
Dad talked me into going for dinner at this little drinking establishment around the corner, so I caved (because I like good food as much as he does) and went. He had beer, I had something like 140 cc's of cold sake. We discovered I am very giggly when tipsy, but while I turn pink apparently 140 cc's of sake aren't enough to get me properly drunk. Food was good. We had fish and grilled sea snail cooked in the shell, and mushrooms and konjac in broth, and tori karaage (fried chicken) and potatoes grilled with carrots, onions, and bacon bits; we had tamagoyaki and I had some water. I cracked jokes about Bush-era drinking games (take two shots every time he says "nucular weapons of mass destruction") and laughed inappropriately at everything and I make for a giggly drunk. Except I'm pretty sure I'm not actually drunk, just tipsy. We decided against getting seconds on the sake because I'm getting up to go to the fish market tomorrow. I don't want to have a hangover on top of getting up early.
So that was my day. Tomorrow I'm heading to the fish market and making some last purchases; after that I'm packing everything up and heading to the airport. By the time it's the 28th in the states I'll be home.
Man, I was starting to miss having anglophones to argue loudly with. My dad misses too many language nuances to be fun to argue with.
If there was any incoherence within today's summary, you can blame it on the (ah-ah-ah-aah-ah)alcohol. I'm going to sleep after this. Hoping I won't wake up tomorrow with a hangover. Was slightly headache-y coming back to the apartment after dinner. derp.
Good night. Or morning. derp.
feral_phoenix, I am so sorry. I did not manage to get my paws on any YU doujin. :< But I will buy you delicious edibles and send you a fanart with those, so expect a Yggdra apologizing for radish-flavored ineptitude in the mail.
littlelinor, you will not believe this fail: the Pokemon Center no longer carries Pokespecial manga. I cried. I'm sorry. I got you a Marshtomp figurine--that was the closest I could get to a Mudkip plush. :<
baka_neko314: I got you an Espeon figure. :V Unfortunately there were no Espeon plushes (fail, yes, I has it) but that was the closest I could get.