[.9]and the beast shouted I at the heart of the world

May 13, 2006 14:16


I told off everyone who has ever given me problems in my life, people who claimed to love me, but only put me into a worse situation than the previous one I was in; they didn't like that too much.

Oh well, sucks to be them....

My mother and I have stopped barking at eachother, for the time being. I understand why we've been fighting so much, but it still doesn't give it justification.

From what I gather, my father is retiring sometime soon, which leaves me without health insurance. My job, seeing as I only work as part time, doesn't give me that benefit, thus leaving me in a shithole.

I can either:
a: get two jobs and kill myself while being insured not to pay like 12 billion dollars for coughing up blood.

b: quit my current job and find one that will give me both money and benefits.

c: kill myself and become a full-time student, while at my current job and get placed onto my mother insurance.

d: pay for insurance...

I'm going to c, even though I have enough trouble as is, doing part time student and job now.... But there comes a time in everyone's life where they must gain some balls and quit being a pansy....even if they are a girl.

Hopefully, I'll bend over backwards during the summer break, scrappin' up money and buying a car, then saving for school and (hopefully) an apartment with a few friends... if I play my cards right, I can sleep on the floor (huzzah). But it's sad that I fear most of my things being stolen if I move in with these so called "friends".... I take it every option has it's downside.... I guess I get more than others.
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