Oct 11, 2004 15:17
well i've given it 2 weeks...and i've decided that college is actually everyhting i expected....it's way fun...but the classes suck...im taking physics 212, math 256, engr 201 (electrical fundametals), Mechanical Engineering, and statics...and so far I think the only class i completly understand is Mechanical Engineering...which i suppose is a good thing since that's my major...but the other classes...im so lost it's not even funny...especailly math...i go to class and i sit there and vegetate....the teacher talks and talks about random math things that i should get but don't....it's terrible....what makes it worse is that he's way boring...and on top of that...when he writes on the chalk board he dosen't use spaces between his words...itmakesthingsalmostimpossibletoread...i'll post pics on my website....then you can all share my pain...other than classes the other thing that takes up most of my time is rugby...we practice mon, tues, and thrus from 4-6:30...6am workouts on weds and saturday games...i gotta say though...i love it...we have this new coach named Duffin McShane...can you think of a more perfect name for a rugby coach?...I can't...anyway...im gonna go watch tv and sleep on the couch or something before practice...you guys should all come check out our rugby games...they're fun to watch...later