Mar 30, 2004 22:24

24 is freaking awesome. I'm so glad it's back on. Five long weeks without you Kiefer Sutherland! How did I do it? It's like going 5 weeks without crack - when you're addicted to crack, that is. Me, I've gone seventeen years without crack, and I've done fine for myself. Well, maybe not fine, but all right. Well, maybe not all right, but okay. Well, maybe not okay, but I'm not addicted to crack! That's one thing I can say for myself.

My mother is awesome! She got me some CD-R's from Costco. I'll pay her back because I'm awesome like that, but it's the thought that counts. I need to start recording again. I've been kind of slacking off and not sticking to it. Everything I've put down has been a miserable failure lately. Too loud. Too quiet. Too fast. Too slow. I did one a while ago that just turned out really well. I'll get it sooner or later.

I'm also thinking of maybe shopping some songs around in the area of publishing? Taht's what I'd like to do - no obligation. You just say, "Here's a song," and they give you money for it. I've got a few songs I'd like to get rid of, and I could write cheeky pop songs that go along the lines of, "Oh, boy, you know I need your love," or something like that. Something some low-key chick looking to get her foot in the door could put on a demo.

I'll figure it all out someday. But, for now, I'll just be clueless and relentless as usual. I've given up on my head-to-toe-of-the-house search for my Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 1 and Pulp Fiction Miramax Collector's Edition DVDs. I'm convinced they were stolen - simply because they're not here, and I left them here. I understand the Aqua Teen, but the Pulp Fiction DVD only had one disc in it, the Bonus Materials CD. I'm not going to drop any names, but you'd have to be pretty stoned, like maybe a Stoner Kid or something along those lines to steal a DVD box that doesn't even have the actual DVD in it. Maybe I just lost them, either way I'm screwed. I borrowed Stu's Family Guy Volume 1 (Seasons 1 & 2) DVD box set, and disc 1 was missing. When did it go missing? Right after Kryssie and Randy watched some of the episodes. They weren't watching disc 1, they were watching disc 3, but 1 was missing. Coincidence? Probably. But I'm just paranoid. Oh well. I'm thinking I'm just bound to lose stuff.

Life could be worse. I could be listening to Creed.

Well, thanks for listening to me rant about my less than perfect but not too bad compared to most lives life.

Stay cool.
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