Person of Interest - Review-ish ramblings

Oct 15, 2011 02:53

So I totally didn't need another show to follow, but I think I've got one...

At first glance (and having missed the first minute or so of the pilot) Person of Interest wasn't that...okay, I'll say it, interesting. Jim Caviezel beating the crap out of some people? Then talking to a nerdy guy? Then beating the crap out of some more people? Violent, run-of-the-mill crime show, and not my style.

Did I mention I missed the whole point of what was going on because I had a headache at the time?

I caught part of another episode, and all of this week's, then went back and actually watched the! Yes, a lot of people get beat up in this show, but the majority of them have it coming, and you'll probably be cheering Reese on before too long. Reese (Caviezel) is an insanely-skilled fighter, but he gets roughed up now and again too and definitely has some interesting emotional scars from his past (some mental and physical whumpy potential?) and his partner Finch also has some back-story surrounding the creation of the numbers machine and the guy he was working for/with back then. There's some cool techie stuff to be explored with the machine, and I think a lot of depth to build with both characters, as well as a solid - if slow-to-appear - friendship. Add to that some great action scenes, plot twists, Caviezel's delivery of a very serious persona while still adding some humor, and the suspense of the cops being one step behind Reese & Finch...excellent! Go watch, it's worth it!

person of interest

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