- The Faint
- +
- Bright Eyes
- =
- One amazingly orgasmic show.
Ps. If you want to be a good date or whatever,
Gross almostbalding, drunk man. Oh yeah, and Conor Oberst. ( He doesn't look like Jared Leto!!! aklsjaslkdajsdRAWR!)
Too bad my pictures S-U-C-K.
My brother and I are TUFF.
This is what you get when James Evans is asked to take a decent photograph..
Taylor and I's midnight adventurez !
First, we talk on the phone.
She cuts hair..
Then, we dress up and look like foolz.
Please note- I'm wearing a really bad ass rosary in that picture. and I'm actually Catholic? Tres interesante'
........uh, we'll end on that note.