Feb 02, 2010 18:02
Family - Build a calm and nurturing homelife with JJ.
This is happening now, moving next weekend and having fun getting everything packed and organised.
Social - Say yes/attend every social function Im invited to.
This is mostly good, even though Im so skint because Im moving, Im going but trying not to spend much. Had a great night in Whitechapel this weekend with my uni friends to see them doing their first DJ gig.
Spiritual/Emotional - Maintain a PMA, especially at work.
Im kinda too happy at the moment not to maintain a PMA but work does suck, there are things happening there I have no control over so this aim might mutate into "Find a new job" as I cant change anything here.
Property - Move in with JJ.
Eeek! this time in two weeks this will be checked off!
Physical - Join the gym and attend three times per week.
Cop out but have just been far too busy and having not enough money whatsoever. On hold till settled.
Mental - Read one book per week. 0/52
Self-Developmental - Continue to learn Chinese.
Absolute fail.
Money and Finance - *** in emergency fund (ISA), *** saved for a nice car (ISA 2), *** in the 'future fund'. Continue keeping a spending diary.
Doing very well here, Im obsessed with my spending diary and done well in holding onto my savings while moving.
Career/Work - Apply for some new jobs/Continue asking for random training at work.
C- for effort, must try harder.
Back to packing now! Later!