Ugh, I really hate this bloody weather. I hate the snow and I hate the cold, actually snow is ok, snow cant help it, its just a symptom, its the cold thats the root of this uncomfortable problem.
Yesterday I had the SINGULAR MOST WEIRD EXPERIENCE EVER, my eye was anethetised and then operated on with a LASER. It was very uncomfortable, the laser was a big green light and it made my eyes spaz out like i was about to sneeze but i couldnt control where my eyes were going. If your doctor says you should have a retinoscopy, I WOULDNT RECCOMEND IT.
Ive had awful trouble sleeping since I came off nights (which were largely boring) again, Sunday day I slept too long so Sunday evening I was up untill about 4am. Its an absolute rookie error and doubley annoying since I was very awake during my night shifts. This week Ive got them falling on Saturday and Sunday night which is an absolute ball-ache. But hopefully I'll be able to pick my car up from oop narf on Saturday. This means im bare bringing a sleeping bag, six cushions, maybe even an air matress, the whole fucking shebang, fuck them guys.
Today has been largely a doss, I played Assasins Creed in the morning, cleaned the kitchen and started to make the ragu for the lasagne. J came home from work at lunch and brought me a present of
, Ive been vaguely lactose intolerant since I was a kid but its never been enough to really get to me (slight stomach pain and cramping) but after I drunk this I didnt feel anything. It was a very sweet gift. I enjoyed some cereal and tea in the afternoon, pain free. He also bought me a tape-measure so we can start getting the dimensions of our big furniture for the move. I started calling estate agents today, man...I dont reccomend that either. Those guys are all up in your grill and make me nervous, I said really stupid things, one of them said "Why are you moving there?" and I said, "er to be near to the big road?" ...namely the M1/A1...drat I still dont know what it is. I have a sat nav god damn, I dont need no road names! Anywho viewing flats next week. Very exciting.