May 19, 2007 10:32
I guess a few things have happened lately:
Finished my conference course paper but am still working on a third project that took an interesting turn (My recordings looked like shit and know one knew why until Dr.Bland pointed out that I was recording in plastic = static electricity DUH) without plastic the recordings were really nice so that's good.
Havn't been doing so much ICMS because Teskey's lab has lots of summer students and I'm busy.
Started class this week - Art intro to 2D from 8-12:30 and physics (mechanics) from 2-5 everyday. I am tired.
Last week the psych office told me that I can transfer to their department (finally. ugh.) and do an honours degree so it looks like i'll be pretty busy next year.
My honours project is gonna be so cool! We are looking at deep brain stimulation as a treatment for parkinson's and as one of my supervisors is at the foothills health science centre she seems to want me to see some assessments and maybe some surgeries (WOW!)
Trophy wives played a show with the Ostrich last night - holy they are great! And we hung out after wich was awesome times.
This weekend: Lots of art and physics, otafest, glenn's new band, (saturday night), popsicle party maybe? dimsum, hiking! Does anyone want to come hiking with us on sunday? let me know!