did you know her? thats kinda creepy o.o i like how they describe her as "meek" but i guess thats just to help her case. Anyway. its crazy what people do these days. Did you hear about the woman who cut a fetus out of another woman's body (while she was alive) and then kidnapped the baby and said it was her own? -_-
The pregnant woman died. The baby lived. And now this fetus snatching woman tried to claim she was mentally insane. Well...I'm sure she is but at the same time for something like that she should be punished o.o The baby is safe now though with her biological family.
I mean... she must have known that the woman was far along enough in her pregnancy for the fetus to live outside the womb, right? Or maybe she didn't know and just just cut. Both are horrifying.
i think she just cut. i'm amazed that she was able to cut the baby out without hurting the baby o.o OH! so theres that picture of her right, and it totally reminds me of this picture we saw in an experiment in my psych class today. i couldn't figure out why that picture looked so disturbing -_-
haha maybe we should talk about less horrifying things! like when are we going to hang out again!
Oh by the way - Happy Birthday! I know, I'm ridiculously late. I actually have a card for you sitting my my desk drawer. It's been there for a while... sorry! I keep forgetting to drop it off at the post office!
i'll be home for Thanksgiving too! maybe we can hang out on Saturday. Or Christmas time. I'll be home Dec 22nd until forever. So where are you going to study abroad you never told me where!
No I did not hear. That's so scary! Did the woman and the fetus live? What happened?
The pregnant woman died. The baby lived. And now this fetus snatching woman tried to claim she was mentally insane. Well...I'm sure she is but at the same time for something like that she should be punished o.o The baby is safe now though with her biological family.
haha maybe we should talk about less horrifying things! like when are we going to hang out again!
Oh by the way - Happy Birthday! I know, I'm ridiculously late. I actually have a card for you sitting my my desk drawer. It's been there for a while... sorry! I keep forgetting to drop it off at the post office!
i'm going to st. catherine's at oxford! i'm super excited! it's the only thing keeping me going this semester.
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