Silly me.
So, the plan was to give up the cable and Time Warner phone in favor of the Skype number and a Dish. I was to go to the lower ranking of internet broadband.
All that would reduce me to being able to live within my means. A novel concept, I know, but I wanted to do it.
Skype, no problem. In working and, even with the problems, is acceptible.
Lower tier of Internet, no problem. So far I haven't noticed a problem with it.
Dish was ready to go but then they asked for my credit info, and I'm not up to their standards without a co-signer. I'm 58 years old and need a cosigner to watch television.
So that means I dont' get the free install, the DVR or the reduced rate for six months. I get to pay $199 as a "deposit" to be returned if I ever deicde I want to turn them in - after the mandatory 2 year contract. I get to pay for installation. I get to pay full price for everything.
THAT was not the plan.
So I have digital broadcast set up - when it works, the picture is really good - and I have about 12 channels available. I grew up when there were only two stations in Charleston - 3 and 8, and if you very very lucky, 13 came in weakly from Huntington.
So I will use my internet connection to see Hulu and online movies or shows. Download, FrostWire or NZB some stuff.
And Thats about how it is going to be for quite a while.
Something to watch.
A guy after my own multi-track heart.
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