Same ol shit!

Apr 12, 2004 15:02

I am tired of updating my Live Journal. I never have anything positive to say, so this has just become a written reminder of all of the things that I have come to hate. I don't know if I am going to work tonight or not. I have become agoraphobic or something in that sense. I can no longer enter that fucking building. I haven't been to work in a whole week. I can't really sleep anymore. I just lie awake all night, alone, angry, and utterly unfulfilled. Why do we rely on others to make us happy. Why can't I be happy with myself and who I am? Why do I NEED to be loved. I am nearing some kind of explosion. Normal everyday things that would kinda bug me, but I would shrug off are driving me mad. Everything and everyone is pissing me off. I hate to sound crazy but, everyone hates me. I can hear it in their voices and see it in their eyes. I have changed. I have become uglier than I ever thought possible. I AM the flaming air-crash.

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