I hate being me.

Feb 10, 2004 23:06

Well, it seems that I am the very reason why the world is dying. I am the reason that wars are fought. I am the reason that children die of starvation. I am the reason fires burn and buildings fall. I am the reason that good people die while corrupt people prosper. I am the reason that god has abandoned us and left it up to us to create our own violent and bigoted versions of him in his absence. I am the reason stocks plummet. I am the reason death tolls rise. I am the reason that women are beaten. I am the reason that human beings are judged by the hue of their flesh. I am the reason bombs are launched. I am the reason blood is spilled. I am the reason that lives falter. I am the reason that I can't be happy. I am the reason that people avoid me. I am the reason that my family abhors me. I am the reason that those I come in contact with fail at all they do. I am the reason that my life is spinning out of control. I am the reason that people blame me for everything. I am the reason that I accept that blame. I am the reason that I am crumbling under the weight. I am to blame. I get what I deserve. And I guess I'm the reason that all of this is finally making sense.

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