Radio Free Skaro #369 - A Tale of Two Doctors

Jun 03, 2013 09:37

A new Radio Free Skaro episode!:

In an uneventful, post finale, nothing ever happens week, The Three Who Rule….wait, HOLD ON, JUST A SECOND…..Chris isn’t on the show this week. Oh, and also, Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who.

Yes, the floppy haired foetus who charmed his way into our hearts in the Eleventh Hour has decided to vacate the TARDIS, but not before the 50th Anniversary and Christmas specials this year. Smith’s tenure spanned arguably the greatest period of global mainstream popularity the show has ever seen, and it is likely the search and selection of the next Doctor will garner more than a little attention from both fans and the not-we. Let the speculation, tears, jeers, madness, forum bile and lunacy begin! We also have news, japes, Warren trying and failing to explain Guardians of the Galaxy to Steven, and a winner for our DVD caption contest! Hooray!

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podcast, radio free skaro, matt smith, sylvester mccoy, interview, doctor who

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