A new Radio Free Skaro episode!:
NEW WHO! The Three Who Rule were delighted to find a sparkling new Doctor Who story under their Christmas tree in the form of “The Snowmen,” a somewhat deceptive name as actual snowmen figure nowhere near as much as disembodied manifestations, the plummy tones of Sir Ian McKellen, the iconic Richard E. Grant, and a puzzle of an enigma known as Clara the barmaid/governess. Throw in a sassy Sontaran, a sensual Silurian and her good lady wife, and a broody, moody, and altogether froody Matt Smith and you’ve got yourself a Christmas special! And a podcast about said special! Christmas!
Check out the site :
http://www.radiofreeskaro.com/2012/12/26/radio-free-skaro-343-hilarity-polarity-and-clara-ty/ Direct download:
http://traffic.libsyn.com/freyburg/rfs343.mp3 Check
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