(no subject)

Jan 12, 2005 15:07

This is a post I've been meaning to do for a long time. It was going in my long defunct zine. Now's teh time.

I have an old, old backpack. I lost my last one so I'm glad I still had this old one still with me at college. I had brought stuff from home in it and I that was it's entire purpose for a long time. It's an old Nike backpack but you really can't tell that now.

It all stated when I met a guy named Sean Kennedy seankennedy. Okay, I didn't really meet Sean, I found him online. He does a TV show online called Patrolling with Sean Kennedy. At the time some of the things he was saying was a bit too hardcore for me. Sean's been in the military and that becomes obvious from about the first few frames of his show. It started off like a regular how-to show, but it's gets a lot more like a survivalist kind of a show as time goes on. Nevertheless, this show is great and one thing in particular helped me out a lot.

This damn bag goes with me everywhere.If it's not on me I sometimes have to stop a moment and think about where it is even if I purposely left it back in the room. The reason is is that in Episode 5 IIRC Sean talks about his belt-line gear. He said "If you disagree with everything else I say in this show, you will see that the truth of Wogdom, the Wog-Way will come to you if you have this set of gerar on you at all times." That might not be exact but still you get it and a "Wog" is a very difficult thing to explain. Originally it meant "anyone who rejects the teachings of Scientology (and all other cults and chooses to live in the real world." It's gotten a little bit murkier than that after words and people take to making up thier own definitions and Sean even called this an "open-source movement". That's not the point. I started to get some (not all, Gear and kit are expensive) and I started to carry it around in my backpack and It was amazing to see how often this stuff was applicable and really freaking helpful in so many situations. I've kept it on me ever since. I have since modified the exact gear that Sean has and found that for my civilain purposes any such gear might do well. This is not about surviving nuclear holocaust, although Sean will.

The gear I have in my bag at all times are:

Black Bandana: They say "Always carry a towel"? This is the perfect size for your needs. If something is too big and in the way than it's a problem. It's a piece of fabric. There are a thousand and one good uses.

Snack: In my line of work, sunflower seeds. Sean swears by fair trade, organic Dark Chocolate-covered Coffee Beans. You get hungry, have some. Simple as that.

And the rest:
Pocket Knife, Lighter, Tiny flashlight, Headphones and MP3 Player, book, extra T-shirt, pens, Sharpie, Moleskine Notebook (try google, I'm lazy but a Moleskine notebook is important), reading material, a folder with a "few crucial documents, i.e. propaganda, flyers, etc.)

Sometimes the cell phone. Othertimes, not so much.

Finally, in your bag you should have EXTRA SPACE. This is crucial. Never leave your house with a full bag. Try to get it down to half full at all times. You never know if you'll need to shove more stuff inside. In fact, I would say that if you know you're going to be returning with stuff (books, food, dumpstered or otherwise, etc.) leave with only the bare essentialls in your bag. The bag isn't just about bring stuff it's about taking stuff.

This stuff might sound crazy, but for myself Sean was kinda right. I'm not sure how much of "teh truth of teh Wog-way" came to me, but it worked.

About my bag (and all other basic "two pouch backpacks"): You can use whatever backpack or bag you want but the two pouches for me wasn't working. Idecided to keep it to see if I could DIY it into b I kept digging in this stupid bag forever for the things I needed and sometimes had to dump the thing out.etter shape.

I've sown on a few different "patches" that are really helpful.

Take an old pair of jeans and cut out the ass pockets. You sow them on the inside of the pig pouch and on the outside of the small pouch. (I've sown a number of things on the outside of my small pouch to cover up something I drew on my back back when I was in high school. I really hate that band now.) You now have two extra pockets. You sould sow something with a velcro pouch on the inside to hold some of the smaller things. Then sew another bigger velcro pouch on the outside if you wanna (I did.) I had a left over peice of black fabric that was about the right dimensions of a black flag. Bye Bye Nike logo.

Okay, my ode to Sean Kennedy is almost over. Just wanted to let you HEAR Sean Kennedy in his most famous rant. Here's a page of 108 rants and here's Suicide (2002 Mix) That's him at his most histrionic but he'd tell you that he meant every word of it (at least I think he would.) My names Kenny Dixon, and I AM the fuckin' Man.
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