Dec 20, 2006 22:24
So somehow I managed to pull off not just a 4.0 in Com 240..but also another 4. in my bio class, isb 202. I have absolutely no idea how this happened since I thought I was going to get like a 2.5 in the class. I guess I did well on the final and the extra credit helped but I got a 3.0 in Com 225 and a 2.5 in Pysch 101...a 3.35 altogether..not too bad I would say. I'm calling some of it luck, maybe some karma, and the rest my own hard work.
My band is going to have a show on the 30th (not the 29th like I thought) among some other bands Nick is a part of. I'm interested to see how this goes. Not a whole lot more to report as of least not anything I really feel like writing about. I'm getting my cholestorol checked tomorrow (my father's orders) so I have to fast from like 11pm to when my appointment is at, no biggy at all since I probably wont get up much before it.
Then plans with Colleen and Matt tomorrow night....going out Friday night:-)