Reasons Not Rules

Nov 02, 2004 18:08

I'm watching the election coverage on the news right now.

I hope to God that Bush doesn't get re-elected. His term has been a train wreck of lies spoonfed to the American public, capitalizing on the tragic events of 9/11 to induce hysteria among the masses to garner support for his invasion of Iraq, systematically dismantling the very freedoms of the people he claims to fight for in his "war on terrorism" in exchange for an illusion of safety. Americans are forced to bend over for big business because his policies favor corporations over the people, getting shafted trying to get basic health coverage while corporate taxes get cut from companies whos profits are so huge they could afford to pay for a dental visits for all Americans for the rest of their natural lives.

Where's Osama bin Laden? Where are the weapons of mass destruction?
[insert next diversionary tactic to divert attention from the fact that we still have neither Osama or WMDs]

Sure, you could say the difference between Kerry and Bush is negligible, and that this is just another case of voting the lesser of two evils, but four more years of Bush? This election is far too important, and Kerry is the potential dethroning force. Yes I do believe it is necessary to break the two-party chokehold, and Nader as president could be just the kick in the pants that American politics needs, but now isn't the time to try experimental cures for the malignant cancer that is the current administration.

I guess we'll find out soon..

Hah, Ron Crews is on TV speaking against gay marriages. That fucker spoke at the high school a few weeks ago and got his ass burnt by Democratic representative Barney Frank.

"People who are willing to sacrifice essential freedoms for security deserve neither freedom nor security."

-- Benjamin Franklin
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