Mar 14, 2009 23:54
Colorado Springs is one of the best cities (if not THE best city) that I have ever lived in. Thanks to Brett my mind has been on Colorado Springs alot lately (even praying for a job so I can possibly return) and tonight I came across several of these and combined him to make 109 ways you know your from Colorado Springs!
You know you're from Colorado Springs when . . .
1. You get incredibly irritated at people who don't know how to turn left at the William Palmer statue.
2. You've lost entire weekends wasted/high at Garden of the Gods or Gold Camp Road.
3. You've never taken the train to the top of Pikes Peak . . . that's for tourists!
4. Your parents are out of town this weekend . . . in Cripple Creek.
5. You know who James Dobson is, and you either love him or hate him.
6. You know who Rich Tosches is, and you either love him or hate him.
7. You’ve never thought twice about why Focus on the Family has its own highway sign.
8. You still talk about the Ted Haggard scandal.
9. Your graduation was at the World Arena.
10. You tried to be cool by hanging out at Pikes Perk and Coffee Roasters.
11. Your school went on a field trip to NORAD before they closed it to the public.
12. You did all your Christmas shopping at Entertainmart but are ashamed to tell anyone.
13. You know who lives in the Broadmoor area.
14. You buy weed from a kid . . . who lives in Widefield.
15. You've been pulled over on Powers.
16. You've lived here for years, and you still haven't found an efficient way to get from the east side of town to the west side, because there is none.
17. Your neighbors had their trash ransacked by a bear and you blame them for not locking it up.
18. You giggle when out-of-towners try to pronounce Cache La Poudre, Tejon, Vermijo, or Costilla.
19. You think it's weird when there's no construction on the interstate.
20. Someone in your family attends the Air Force Academy (or dates a Cadet!)
21. You know what a doolie is, and take pity on them.
21. Someone in your family is in the military.
22. You want to have a cultural experience, so you go to Manitou for the day.
23. Someone you know refuses to go to Manitou because he or she is scared of the Wiccans.
24. You know all the Democrats live on the West Side or in Manitou.
25. On Friday you wait in line for hours to get into the Vue/Rumbay/Eden, only to realize they're all pretty much the same club.
26. You take pure water and clean air for granted until you go out of town.
27. You miss The Peak radio, and had no idea what was going on when you flipped to 95.1 and heard "Play Somethin' Country."
28. You go out of town and can't believe how many fat people you see.
29. You remember when Powers was a dirt road.
30. You've been hit on by teenagers hanging out at the Citadel Mall.
31. People ask you what you do for fun around here and you answer, "Go to Denver."
32. You've cruised Nevada or Academy.
33. You know who hangs out in Acacia Park at midnight.
34. When looking at the mountains, you can point out “The Scar.”
35. You think of anyone who lives here and hasn't been to Fargo's pizza as uncultured.
36. You know there are plenty of locally owned restaurants downtown, but your family still insists on going to Chili's or Olive Garden for dinner.
37. You go to a mall in another city and are shocked at how, well, NICE it is.
38. You know your political parties as Republican, really Republican, conservative, and Californian.
39. If you weren't born here, you're probably from Texas or California.
40. You don't know who the mayor is. Lionel Ritchie, right?
41. You remember when you could ski at the Broadmoor.
42. You can pick out tourists in the summer by their purple cowboy hats, turquoise earrings and Southwestern ponchos.
43. You have been to a CC hockey game, regardless of how much you care.
44. You went to UCCS because CC was too expensive.
45. You went to CC, grew a beard, and became like, REALLY politically conscious, man.
46. You worked at the Broadmoor and it was the worst experience of your life.
47. Your little brother had his birthday party at Mr. Bigg's.
48. You remember going to Lazer Quest and Q-Zar as a kid.
49. You remember going to Skate City or Bosanova and dancing to the Macarena and YMCA. You either couples skated hand-in-hand with your honey or stood by bitterly waiting for 'Endless Love' to end.
50. You know who hangs out at Cowboys.
51. You know who William Palmer is, but you can't remember who Penrose or Stratton were.
52. The Olympic Training Center is nothing special.
53. The statue of Humpty Dumpty and the Cowboy Reading the Newspaper downtown seem to be the extent of the local art scene.
54. You complain there is no music scene and someone protests that they saw a great cover band at the Thirsty Parrot last night, and if that ain’t music then what was it!?!
55. Until recently, you have asked your friend who lives on Post to buy alcohol for you on a Sunday.
56. Your car has a yellow support the troops sticker, or three.
57. You drive a Suburban or an F150.
58. You or your neighbor have a "NOBAMA" bumper sticker.
59. You’ve recently seen a car with those “bullet hole” stickers, or the car’s brand emblazoned in Black-letter across the rear window.
60. You've been to Spring Spree and Territory Days.
61. You listen to Magic and hate the Beat, or you listen to the Beat and hate Magic, although they play 90% of the same songs.
62. You have had school canceled with less than two inches on the ground, but had to go in during a real blizzard.
63. You make fun of people who live in Pueblo, while people in Denver make fun of you.
64. When you move to Denver/Boulder and tell people you're from Colorado Springs, they narrow their eyes and say "Oh . . . really . . ."
65. You've tasted the springs in Manitou and they were sick.
66. You know who reads the Independent and who reads the Gazette.
67. You have a relative who lives in Pueblo or Greeley, but you avoid going to visit.
68. The Royal Gorge is just a big hole in the ground to you.
69. You drove an hour to Divide to cliff dive.
70. The vast expanse of land that used to be across the street from your family’s house is now fully developed housing.
71. You remember, and very much miss BOARDWALK, MOUNTASIA, JOYRIDES, Peter Piper Pizza, Beau Jo’s, The Soda Straw, Charlie’s Pit BBQ, Michelle's and the short-lived Krispy Kreme over by the Citadel.
72. Zeezo’s and Halloween are synonymous.
73. Going to Wal-Mart is more like a class reunion (Widefield).
74. You know that if there is even the tiniest shred of doubt that you may not support the troops, you will be shunned.
75. Even though everyone says it’s nasty, you’ve been to Deja Vu or simply “the Vu.” Maybe more than once.
76. You know that West is toward the mountains and East is away, and can't imagine any other navigation system.
76. If you went to Doherty, you thought Wasson was ghetto. If you went to Wasson, Mitchell was the ghetto. If you went to Mitchell, it was Sierra. If you went to Sierra . . . welcome to the ghetto, bitches.
77. Cheyenne and Air Academy high schools were only for the rich, stuck-up Jeep-driving brats.
78. You remember the old, tiny Bijou bridge and when trucks would crash into it, backing up traffic forever.
79: BJ's Velvet Freeze + hot summer night = heaven.
80. You know who used to hang out at Hide and Seek (before it closed).
81. You're tired of having to abbreviate "Colorado Springs" on mail, or having it get cut to "Colorado Spri" on fill-in forms. . . because you just call it "The Springs" anyway.
82. 98% of Americans scream before going in the ditch on a slippery road, the other 2% are from Colorado and say, "Hold my soda and watch this!"
83. You'll eat ice cream in the winter.
84. When the weather report says it's going to be 65 degrees, you shave your legs and wear a skirt.
85. It snows 5 inches and you don't expect school to be cancelled.
86. You'll wear flip flops every day of the year, regardless of temperature.
87. You have no accent at all, but can hear other people's. And then you make fun of them.
88. 'Humid' is over 25%.
89. Your sense of direction is: Toward the mountains and Away from the mountains.
90. You say 'the interstate' and everybody knows which one.
91. You think that May is a totally normal month for a blizzard.
92. You buy your flowers to set out on Mother's day, but try and hold off planting them until just before Father's day.
93. You grew up planning your Halloween costumes around your coat.
94. You know what the Continental Divide is.
95. You don't think Coors beer is that big a deal.
96. You went to Casa Bonita as a kid, and as an adult.
97. You've gone off-roading in a vehicle that was never intended for such activities.
98. You always know the elevation of where you are.
99. You wake up to a beautiful, 80 degree day and you wonder if it's going to snow tomorrow.
100. You don't care that some company renamed it, the Broncos still play at Mile High.
101. Every movie theater has military and student discounts.
102. Everybody wears jeans to church.
103. You actually know that ** South Park ** is a real place not just a show on TV.
104. You know what a 'trust fund hippy' is, and you know its natural habitat is Boulder .
105. You know you're talking to a fellow Coloradoan when they call it Elitches, not Six Flags.
106. A bear on your front porch doesn't bother you.
107. Your two favorite teams are the Broncos and whoever is beating the crap out of the Raiders.
108. When people from Arizona or back East tell you they have mountains in their state too, you just laugh.
109. You go anywhere else on the planet and the air feels 'sticky' and you notice the sky is no longer blue.