You are a classic; the quintessential New Yorker.
You are cultured and love to travel, though you
wouldn't move from New York in a million years.
Then again, you may just be a tourist, trying
to see all the sights in a single day.
Which New York City subway line are you? brought to you by
Quizilla this, i feel, is perfect. not so much the description of myself, although i guess i would agree with it, but the fact that i absolutely HATE the ACE line. i've just had bad experiences with it. for instance, once i left my russian history recitation early (leaving david early--the horror!) to meet my french professor at the cloisters so that he could talk to me about a fresco that i had to write a paper on in art history. i took the L over to the ACE and accidentally got on the E express instead of the A express and ended up way the fuck in queens and completely late for my meeting with him. it was kind of sad. and then, when my parents were in town i took the C down to the WTC stop which was morbidly depressing and frightening. the eye mosaics in the station, all the entrances being closed and then at the one open one the army men with their big machine guns. plus, it was rainy and cold outside. anyway, for these reasons i try not to ride this line, unless of course, i'm going to the cloisters or lincoln center or whatever. and, hopefully, i'll be riding the dreaded train everyday next summer when i get the internship at the cloisters.
i think i'm in trouble with my father. my step-mother, i think is kind of happy and relieved about my being in trouble because for once it is me and not courtney that is causing the trouble. last night i had a BAD night at work. this is what happened in a nutshell: bad or no tips. miraculously i still walked out with $60 but it was just a bad night. not to mention the drunk fools at the bar who ran into me while i was carrying a tray of ichiban. spilled all over me. at least they bought them. it was a shame. so i was really pissed and kevin, marvin, and i had bought a liter of crown royal earlier in the night and i decided that i was going to get totally shit-faced. you know, drown my sorrows in the bottle. when i finally get off work and cashed out it's nearly midnight and i convince kevin, marvin, and jackie that we should go to the "ocean" and just chill out and be drunk. we went but got really bored and decided to go buy some beer and go to this place that kevin used to hang out at in rose hill. we were there maybe thirty minutes before security came and were talking some crazy shit about an abandoned boat so we left and drove around for another thirty minutes before going back only for security to fucking come out of their hiding place in the bushes and shine their flashlight in our eyes and ask us what was going on. so at three in the morning kevin takes me back to my car and i drive home completely drunk (not smart, i know, but i swear i didn't pass a single car on the road).
my dad comes in at 6 and i'm still drunk and tired and tells me how pissed and worried he was, blah blah blah. i'm not in any real trouble, i mean, i could go out tonight if i wanted, but my father has this way of making me feel extremely guilty about things. it's that look. i feel bad that he worried, although i don't think he worried that much because they at first thought that it was courtney who came in late, and it wasn't like he was waiting up for me when i walked in the door. when he was yelling at me he said "this isn't fucking new york city" and i wondered what made things so much different. i mean, i don't call him every night when i get home from the city just to let him know that i'm okay. he doesn't say that he ever worries about me when i'm up there, in fact he tells me that he doesn't worry at all. i just don't understand. i mean, they all knew that i was utterly miserable the first week that i was home; they even had to nerve to complain about my bad mood and how it was "drag." i wanted to shake them and be like, you think it sucks for you, how the hell do you think i feel? anyway, i told them that i was having a hard time adjusting to the lack of freedom, how i felt like i was thirteen again, having to call home or cell phones before i went anywhere, or if i wasn't going to be home for dinner. i probably should have called home last night to at least tell them that i was going out after work, that i wouldn't be home until late, but i don't really think it's too much to ask of them to just back up a little bit. i mean, give me some breathing room here. it sucks. i miss the city.
i guess i should talk a little bit about kevin here. i think it is incredibly funny that he's essentially best friends with bailey. he used to shoot up with bailey. he went to rehab with bailey. anyway, the bailey connection is funny. we listened to bailey's hilton head band in the car last night. it's bizarre. my life in general is kind of bizarre right now. off to work. hopefully tonight will be better.