Aug 24, 2006 19:40
i got back from cheer camp today.
all i have to say is that nothing's changed. we're still cocky and annoying as fuck and we all still know how to start a crazy dance party in the foye(sp?) of the dorms.
god i never thought i would actually get as close as i did to all the girls. it was probably physically the hardest four days of my life, but i've never laughed so hard in my life.
by the way, we placed first in the extreme routine boooo yah! haha im sure you have no idea wat that is....and we should have placed first in the cheer but our whole team's convinced that the staff rigged the whole thing. it sucks cuz now all i have to thank for it is a nice shiny new bruise on my leg and the fact that i can barely move my body. but i guess it was worth it. its sad cuz i was the only senior and at the end they make a huge deal out the senior's last day, and it really didnt hit me till now. i cant believe we're gonna be SENIORS! wat the hell.
"Hildegar. Always doing a good deed."