I'm re-watching the first televised leaders' debate, the one that turned Nick Clegg from a nobody into a household name overnight. And it's so good - Brown and Cameron had both come prepared to argue with each other, but it's so gloriously obvious that neither of them had really considered that Clegg would be any more than window dressing. And they
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Re TA, 'several notches classier than South Park' is one of those statements that sounds reassuring until you actually think about it ;) but upon wiki-ing, Team America seems to be Thunderbirds with snark, which puts it instantly on the 'must watch' list. Thank you!
Re Evils - I think I can see the way to including one of your requests. I'm most of the way through the latest chapter, and I'll post it when I'm done, else it'll be July before anyone sees anything. Unfortunately I'm drawing a complete blank on ideas for this chapter's interlude. There's supposed to be one ending every chapter, but I can't think of anything for this one. A bit of transcript from a Newsnight interview? It's Thursday at this point in the story - HIGNFY? Is there anything you feel the reader is unclear on at this point in the story that could maybe be explained? Or I guess I could just not write one, it wouldn't be the end of the world.
And okay, right, I have to defend myself here because - see, I hate that I love Armageddon. And it's not the bad science, I'm used to that, it's the politics. The film is like a giant advertisement for oil companies, the state of Texas, and general right-wingery. It sneers at science, the chauvinism is painful, I can't stand Bruce Willis, and the asteroid doesn't even *hit* earth, where's the fun in that? And yet. And yet. *hides face*
Do you like christmas carols? (for that matter, do you like christmas?)
Well, I now live in a massive glass house film-wise and should not really get snarky re Armageddon ;) As an Aerosmith fan, I really like the soundtrack. It's just that my sicko British ex had somehow ended up working on an oil rig in his youth, and I worked with oil companies in my first part-time job, so I have something of an idea of how drilling works and the whole notion of Bruce doing a DIY version of that in space was a bit too ridiculous. But oh why do you hate him? He is cuuuute (and I say that as someone who usually does not care about bald guys, him and Vin Diesel being notable exceptions) - and he was great in Bandits!
Steve Bell is so sick that he would easily give my dead ex a run for his money. I was actually the OP of the bulldog cartoon, but more in an it's so-horrible-as-to-be-fascinating sort of way. Actually I cannot stand him. But I happily jumped in today, by reposting the Torygraph cartoon and the old "prostitutes luring Nick" cartoon ;) And yes, ITA re the dichotomy in the Nick portrayal on-meme vs off. I still think the meme has a more attuned sense of these things :P
IMO a Newsnight interview would be brilliant - more so that HIGNFY - but if you find writing the interview interlude a strain, I am sure readers, self included, will readily forgive you given the chance to read a new chapter.
And yes, Thunderbirds with snark, and plenty of profanity and obscenity and sexual innuendo and very biting satire of the US view of the world, totally sums up TA. I am not a paragon of taste, but I do recommend it for a laugh.
And should you ever face my quandary subtitles-wise, here is a mini-tutorial (and yes, the files are viewable in Notepad, hence copiable into Word and, best of all, editable). As soon as I've rewatched Five on my big screen tonight, I'll get going on those clips, and holy shit, I cannot wait.
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