Aug 21, 2009 00:13
My headache disappeared a couple of weeks ago but I still have allergies punctuated by continuous sneezing as I wake up from dreams in the morning (it really muddles things up). I started temping at a loan office in a bank downtown. I have probably read more news and Newyorker articles in the span of three weeks than I have in two school quarters put together. I am looking for a bike.
I lovingly scrutinize Bianchi bicycles all over the city. If I scrimp for a little while longer; until I have run out of things of substance to read, I can pedal away from paper cuts and real estate loans and summers spent in my head. Not as an escapist, but a traveler.
I am afraid of asking questions that I really want to the moment; of slicing a world that is seamless into awkward halves as it collides with my own. "do you believe in things that are eternally fixed, forever void of warranty and endless" If I ask, will i find myself in another cul-de-sac state of mind.