luna_moonsilver's Christmas fic

Jan 10, 2010 20:49

Summary: Series of drabbles for every color of the rainbow
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Still not mine *sigh*
AN: Christmas present for luna_moonsilver :P


Jim couldn’t help the blush that forced its way to his cheeks when he found himself faced with a decidedly naked Mr Spock upon entering their shared bathroom. It really shouldn’t have affected him that much, what with his, entirely truthful, reputation of being the biggest playboy this side of the galaxy. Especially since Spock didn’t seem the least bit bothered, merely turning to cover himself, his apology spoken with the same formal monotone that he used on the bridge. He blamed the shock.

Either way, his face was most definitely red when he checked it after stumbling back into his quarters after a hasty apology.


Jim was seriously beginning to doubt his sanity. Ever since the ‘Bathroom Incident’, as he’d not so affectionately dubbed it, he couldn’t stop looking at Spock. It didn’t seem to matter if they were on duty on the bridge or in their quarters playing chess, his attention would inevitably be drawn to his Vulcan First Officer.

Just that evening, he’d been forced to make a hasty retreat from the mess hall after realising he’d spent most of his meal staring at Spock’s. Or rather, at the Vulcan eating it. He’d watched in rapt attention as Spock peeled, dissected and eventually consumed his orange.


It had been a quiet month on the Enterprise. Initially the crew had welcomed the break it provided, the senior officers taking the time to complete paperwork and to perform some much needed repairs. However, as the repairs and paperwork were completed, Jim was beginning to feel antsy. And when the Captain was antsy, the crew quickly picked up on it and mirrored his restlessness. As such, when an unknown spacecraft was detected nearby, everyone on bridge duty was more than ready for it and none more so than Jim. He was quick to activate yellow alert and set the crew to finding out what it was.

Although it turned out to be no threat at all, but a simple trade ship, the crew performed with all the efficiency and order that made them the best in Starfleet. He and Spock especially had been a real unit, The Vulcan having information at the ready almost before he could ask for it. Jim knew that the relationship between a Captain and First Officer was supposed to be so, but he couldn’t help being a little grateful for his Vulcan friend that day.


It was strange. He’d been working with Spock on the Enterprise for almost a year, and what had started as what Jim was sure that was nothing less than a mutual loathing for each other had somehow managed to develop into a great friendship between them. In the privacy of their quarters, Jim told Spock of his life before the Academy and if his deeply hidden insecurities, things he’d never told anyone, and in return the Vulcan had allowed him to glimpse his well suppressed emotions. As such, Jim sometimes forgot that Spock was a different species and not just one of the humans.

Their differences were always brought back with startling clarity in situations like these, however, situations that had Spock lying lifeless on a sick bay biobed, with doctors fluttering around him, and covered in blood that still seemed abnormally green to Jim’s eyes. They happened rarely, but that just seemed to make it more painful when Jim’s image of his indestructible Vulcan was shattered.


Jim didn’t know what has possessed him to do it. He really didn’t. Admittedly, having been informed that the Enterprise had passed Starfleet’s annual inspection with flying colours not five minutes before may have had something to do with it.

Emotions were running high and the entire crew was in a celebratory mood. No doubt more than a few crew members would be begging Bones for headache hypos tomorrow morning. However, even high emotions could not be entirely blamed. They’d received the news at the end of the shift, so he and Spock had left shortly afterwards, taking the turbolift to their adjacent quarters. However, when the turbolift doors closed, their eyes had met and for reasons that Jim had yet to discover, he’d lunged towards his First Officer and met his full, Vulcan lips with his. More surprising than his own forwardness, he’d never been one to sit back and let things happen, was when Spock’s lips began to move against his own and strong hands came up to clutch at his waist. Not wanting to waste this pleasant turn of events, Jim let himself enjoy the moment, fisting his hands in Spock’s blue uniform shirt, moaning as a hot tongue brushed his lips. The chime of the turbolift coming to its destination was an unwelcome intrusion. Jim sent a scowl towards the opening doors, before turning to offer a smile to Spock, only to have it slip into a frown as he gazed at where his First Officer had been stood not moments ago.


Jim was feeling a little depressed. Since that day in the turbolift, everything between Spock and him had been perfectly normal. They played chess; they sparred and, providing both were free, took their meals together. Unfortunately, that was about it. Although Spock hadn’t seemed to object to their kiss, at the time or since then, his friend had yet to show any desire for a repeat performance. He would have to have a talk to Spock about it sometime, soon. He was startled from his musings by the grating sound of a red alert.

It had to be Klingons. It always had to be Klingons. On the plus side, Jim was no longer depressed. After all, there’s nothing quite like being tied to a table and tortured for information to pull one out of a slump. No, now Jim was angry. He was in pain, Spock could be anywhere; they’d been separated after beaming aboard the Klingon vessel, and where the hell were his fucking crew with the rescue party?

As usual, they didn’t disappoint. The stormed in and took over the situation like the pride of Starfleet they were. Once the Klingons were stunned and he was released, Jim got a good look at his crew. His gaze skimmed past most of them, just enough to ensure that they were mostly unharmed, but his heart clenched as he found what he’d been looking for. Spock was alive. He was looking a little battered and was leaning on an ensign’s shoulder rather heavily, but he was most definitely alive. Jim couldn’t contain himself, in seconds he was up, limping forwards and seizing Spock in a passionate kiss. He felt as though his heart would burst with happiness when he was encased in strong Vulcan arms. Spock was kissing him back, in front of the crew. Breakthrough!


He loved waking up next to Spock. Especially when the Vulcan wasn’t awake, the usually taught angles of his face relaxed and his cheeks flushed faintly green with sleep. He’d forgotten to turn the lamp off last night, its light settling over them like a violet curtain. It had been a gift from Bones. Jim often suffered from insomnia and the doctor had said the colour was supposed to be relaxing. Recently though, Jim had found bedtime sex with Spock worked just as well.

Jim happily snuggled into Spock’s side, intent on catching a bit more sleep before alpha shift. The Enterprise was intact, Spock was his and he didn’t have to get up for at least another hour. Life was pretty good.


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