First official day of NaNo!

Nov 01, 2009 14:03

So excited. So beyond excited. Today has been wicked so far.

Decided to go to the A-Day party yesterday despite my protesting all week that I should not get hammered on Halloween if I wanted to start writing a novel at midnight. Haha. Alcohol, it does a creative spirit good. I really need to remember that.

Was at the party til 2230 or so. Got nice and buzzed playing Kings with people and enjoying the atmosphere. I do wish I could've stayed longer because there were cool people there and I had one of the best chairs in the place when I got up to go. Anyway, Micah and Josh took me home and we made nachos and I put some brownies in the oven for the kickoff party. Then Robert and Bryan came home with Jared and Heather in tow. Amusement had. Shots taken. I was feeling very very good. Chris and Shatz and Kevin all came over a few minutes before midnight. We all set up with our computers in the living room and started our countdown.

So I got to about 700 words before I realized that I was pretty much too drunk (having done another shot at midnight to celebrate) to focus anymore. I ate something instead to avoid the hangover blues. And when the others needed a break, we headed out to Uncle Sam's. Then bedtime.

Got up this morning and was really thankful for the extra hour of sleep. Wrote 500 more words while sitting in bed. Did the dishes and took a shower. And now I'm sitting in the commons with at least 12 other people for the official kick-off party. So exciting! Everyone's novels sound amazing, and everyone is really nice. Lots of Nano virgins, but that is also exciting! I hope they stick with it - and come to all of our write-ins. I'm up to 2200 words now. You really can't beat the write-in atmosphere for getting words down.


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