(no subject)

Sep 26, 2007 19:26

School's been hard but I'm getting through it. Got an exam tomorrow so I gotta get to work but I figured I'd let everyone know that I'm dieting!

"But Nick," you say. "You're freaking gorgeous!"

I know I know. But I was on these forums and I saw a thread about before and after pictures. There were people that looked kinda like me and I realized that I don't look the way I want to! So I've decided to do a few things:

-Weigh myself weekly. I wasn't going to do this at first but I went to the doctor yesterday because I'm kinda sick and they said I weighed 206... that's crazyness because at the end of summer - seriously, late August - I weighed about 220. I know, damn. Since lately I've been eating better (and I've been sick for like two and a half weeks) I figured since I'd lost some weight without trying it was time to lose weight the right way.

-Count calories. So I figured out that since I need about 2400 calories a day to maintain my weight, a 25% caloric deficit would be a safe way to go about weight loss. So I'm starting to count calories and it's crazy. I used a measuring cup to pour my milk and cereal this morning. I ate a grilled chicken taco and got tortilla, chicken, lettuce and tomato with no cheese. I'm going to eat tuna with no mayo on some whole grain bread for dinner and maybe a low-fat yogurt cup since I just lifted weights.

-Eat better. So instead of random cereal, I'll get stuff with lots of fiber and maybe not so much sugar. I'll eat more fruits and veggies too but that's going to suck to buy all the time. Oh well, it's for my body.

-Eat less. This I've kinda started already. This whole semester for lunch every day I eat at subway and only get a 6 inch turkey instead of the footlong I always used to get. Also

-Cut out all (ALL) of those terrible unhealthy things. This one is the hardest. No chips, soda, mayo, or fried food. NONE. This is kinda like eating better but this is my way to make sure I don't cheat. I mean, I love chips. I could, right now, eat an entire bag of doritos. The big ones. I used to do that all the time, so good. I shudder to think of how many calories that was. Entire cases of soda. Half a gallon of gatorade at a time. Fucking ice cream. Fries. Did I mention chips?

-Stop drinking. Fuck! I've reached a comprimise with myself. I will stop drinking completely, but I will allow myself to train for my ring dunking. What? Ring dunking, when you drop your newly acquired Aggie Ring into a pitcher of beer and chug it. So basically this will cut my beer intake down to 1 pitcher a night - and since that's fucking hard to do if you have to chug that motherfucker, I don't think I'll drink very often. A pitcher is 5 beers I think... yeah, not drinking much from here out.

-Take vitamins and my prescriptions daily. I just haven't been doing this. It's not a good idea to never take allergy medicine. At the least it's dehydrating me from all the mucous I lose daily. Yuck. And vitamins will be good for me because I probably need them anyway!

Doing all of this will probably have other benefits. I wake up hungover 2 or 3 nights a week. Now I won't! I spend a lot of money on food. Celery isn't expensive! I'm lonely sometimes. Now I'll be surrounded by other gorgeous people because I'll be a gorgeous people.

So in a few months start spamming my journal asking for pics of my new hot body. That way I'll have you, anonymous internet readers, to keep me accountable. Okay study time!
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