(no subject)

Oct 28, 2006 01:46

He looks just like you, babe. Don't be denyin' it. ♥ Harharhar. HOW'S THAT FOR A MUFFIN-TOP. LOL. You should get your hair cut like him next time.

Well. My dad must've had a bad day today because he grounded me for like, forgetting to do ONE chore. It's so gay. "YOU DIDN'T WASH THE DOG SO YOU'RE GROUNDED FOR A WEEK BLAHBLAHBLAAAAH." but my mom's trying to reason with him to at least let me go to the movies tomorrow. Or rather -checks clock- tonight. So I've got time. Good 'ol mom.

I haven't updated my writing journal in like, 2 weeks. It's not that I lack inspiration, I lack... drive. Like I know WHAT I wanna write, I just don't have the motivation to actually sit down and write it.

I suck.
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