And I haven't written many crossovers lately, excepting that one which I WILL FINISH SOMEDAY PEOPLE I PROMISE.
...Um. Yes. Right.
The point of all this being that we all need more x-over in our lives, so I stole a meme from
1. I write down a list of 10 characters. And I don't tell you who they are, so there's intrigue!
2. You choose however many of those you like and ask me a question about them. Examples: "What happens when 5 and 9 are forced to take care of a baby?" or "1, 4, and 8 walk into a bar. What happens next?" or "What does 3 do when s/he finds out that 10 is pregnant with 7's child?" You get the idea. :D
3. I tell you about these scenarios!
And the scenarios, at least based on
shah_of_blah's results, turn out AWESOME and NIFTY. So I'll make my list, you shoot me prompts, and there'll be more wonderful x-overness in our lives! : )