Aug 18, 2005 20:32
I have almost no interest in keeping this journal. I've felt it go down the shitter, but whatever. Maybe there's some underlying reason to. . .?
Anyways. School's amazing. And get this: this may sound strange, and it may sound like a total lie, but i promise, i'm a suprised as you are: I'm popular. I have friends. A LOT OF THEM. And i like it. I like this feeling. I know a lot a lot of people. Its great.
So, i've been reading a lot lately. I mean, thats no great feat, i read all the time, but i mean, a lot a lot. Currently i'm reading Goat right now, the memoir. Its good. Sad, but good.
Schedule (and this is not a typical nineth grader's schedule at G Star):
Algebra dos honors
Theatre History one honors
English one honors
Science one honors
Spanish dos honors
Film one honors
World History one honors
So, yeah. Party Party. I should be in all AP by junior year.
Again, no intrest in keeping this thing up. but its not like i'm going to delete it, thats like deleteing a piece of history.