Today's episode is brought to you by the letter Ø.

Jun 28, 2005 00:06

Denmark has the best keyboards. I can spell København correctly thanks to the ø key. Ø is useful for other words, such as... Well, I don't really know any. But I'm sure there are plenty. Just not in English.

Other useful buttons on the Danish keyboard:
½ § £ € µ ¤

Today in København I was walking toward a 7-Eleven about a half block away when I realized there was one directly across the street. WTF? Two across the street from each other. And they're both open 24 hours. It's like Seattle with the Starbuckses. Starbucki.

I come home Wednesday. Sad and happy at the same time. It's all good though, I need to come home and get a haircut from my usual hair cutting person, despite temptation to find myself a European stylist. I also need to do some fucking work so I can get paid. My new goal in life is to make as much money as possible so I can come back here and spend it.
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