Name/Age/Location: Aubree/15/Arizona
Dicks or Chicks?: Men are nice :D
Single or taken?(provide picture if you can): Taken
Yes, we're complete idiots.
there you go Tell us about yourself: I've been in here before. You guys are the only non shitty rating community besides fuckballs, and they think i'm ugly there, haha. I'm Aubree, I'm a receptionist, and I have been told I have an excellent phone voice, which is a bit of a pathetic compliment. I used to fuck with my hair a lot, and now that I can't, I've been forced to actually have good looking hair. Photography is something I actually have a lot of passion for, even though in this community that claim may not be taken very seriously. My favourite things to photograph are flowers.
Ever had cyber sex?: Of course.
Favorite movie: Currently? Maria full of grace.
What is the meanest thing you've done to someone?: I fuck with my boyfriends head a lot, it's unintentional and he returns the favor. I guess that's pretty mean, and slightly unhealthy.
Hottest member?: Holeinmysock.
Ugliest member? (for vote offs) You know, your member page is all messed up and I don't feel like searching for ugly people. If I have to I will.
Advertise us in your user info and to a public entry in your journal. DO IT. Links:
I think you guys are already in there!
5+ pictures:
That was me imitating a picture of someone I know. Just for fun.
A W:150xH:200 picture for the members page: Pick your favourite?