Technology Sucks

Dec 02, 2006 22:08

While we were in Winston-Salem, Kyle dropped his phone and it broke.  A bit over $150 later and Nextel gave him a new one.

My laptop has to get sent to gateway for a new case.  The hinges are cracked.  I think I may end up without a computer (and during times when Kyle is out of town, internet) for up to three weeks!! And there aren't any cyber cafes here for me to go to.  :(  *twitch* *twitch* will I be able to survive without the net?  This especially sucks when Kyle is gone because my computer/lj/writing etc, is how I entertain myself usually.   GRRR.

Plus, I was on the way to get food today and my cell phone slid off of the console in the truck.  Wouldn't you know it landed in the unlidded cup of water Kyle had in the drink holder?  We are trying to dry it out.  Amazingly it has successfully made callls since then.  But it turns itself to "airplane mode" and then says "no service" at radom intervals!  Please let it dry out and work, cuz that would suck suck suck.  I have insurance, so hopefully it wouldn't be too much money to replace it.  GRRRR.

On a good note...Kyle and I just watched Brokeback Mountain.  He had never seen it and was quite impressed by it.  It made me cry, but it felt good to have some release for the emotions I have been having lately.  Especially since the rampant homophobia that has been running about is enough to drive a girl nuts.

Anyhoodle...I think we have finally reached the end of our traveling and not staying at home.  We have been so many places and around so many people that it has been really nice to be home today.  Just the two of us.  No bullshit, no pretending to be something I am helping people move or weddings or holidays or...yay for calm normalcy.

And Kyle told me he loves me.  I knew this.  But it made me extremely happy nonetheless.  I haven't felt this way about anyone since Leah, so I am so very very very happy with the boy.

I will upload pics soon...we got some cool ones from the beach house where we stayed.  It was awesome! 
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