anyway yes so ends the mysterious diary adventures of myself. school has started and i have become bored with this and also i was looking at it and wtf dum. these entries make me look idiotic even though i am not saying i'm not but they do so this modern art err postmodren ? no postpostmodern ? no wait i know this is 'crap' anyway it is here for the masses to look upon in moments of need. and it is over. i may start it again in a few months/days if i ever feel the need for dumness and/or goth poetry but these things may very well be unlikely. it'll stay up for as long as it will stay up and if you can't sleep at night wondering wtf i am doing ????! check and so byebye my good friends, it has been great i will miss you ;_; ooooh goodbyes are so hard sayonraiaaiaaa!