May 20, 2007 16:33

Bleed the Dream, Fair to Midland, Dir en grey -TOUR07 INWARD SCREAM-

Sydney and I couldn't be in line at 4AM with the rest of the pod because of school, we had to wait until around noon before we were able to venture out and get to the venue. (Luckily, security said you couldn't be in line until one.)
Allison came by NSA and at lunch Sydney's mom came and took us all to Marquee.
Since the people who came around 4AM had to leave, security said they would be able to get their spots back, so instead of being fifth or so in line we were about the fifteenth. Still pretty good, not that it made a difference though in the end...
Before we could head over though, we chilled in the park across from Marquee with Shizuka, Kelynn, Sydney, Coley, Amber, Beckie, and Allison.
We talked a lot with the people in front of us and formed a little group of our own [since we um, apparently weren't allowed up there with Kelynn.] which consisted of Sydney, Allison, Whitney and some of her friends. Every now and then I would kind of lean in to talk to Shannon, Alfred, and Jacque.

(Jacque and Shannon)

Towards about three or so a lot of us had to go to the bathroom, so Sydney, Kitt and I all went over to the bathroom. (Which was located over in the construction site, behind Marquee.) While we ventured back we kind of skipped, but then stopped because Die was watching us from his place by the tour bus much to our surprise. Then 薫 ventured out a bit smoking and proceeded to watch us come back from our bathroom journey. It was kind of awkward. When I went with Allison and Dai a little later, they were still there. 京 wandered out for about two seconds until he saw that people besides Marquee staff and band members were out and decided to run back inside.

A big thank you to big Lauren (Lorax) for bringing Allison and I Jack-in-the-Box and having to deal with all of the Dir en grey nonsense. Thank you. ♥

They opened doors until about 6:30PM, which was pretty much on time unlike other venues. That still doesn't excuse them for what they did after that. Since there was so many people they decided it would be a good idea to split up into six lines. Two boy lines and four girl lines. It was already bullshit enough to have guys who were waaaaay back in the line come up to the front because, come on...how many dudes love Dir en grey in Arizona again? but then they wanted us to take our shoes off like an airport. It was okay though after I got past and stood at the front of the stage (on 薫's side) with Shannon, Alfred, Allison, and some other girl whos name I forgot. She was really nice and let me grab onto her shirt for support.


The show started fairly quickly with Bleed the Dream, who were...I guess okay. Not the best. All their songs sounded the same.
They were however, WAYYYYYY better than Fair to Midland. The singer reminded me of the roach guy from Men in Black and they just sucked all around.
Finally, Dir en grey's staff/ roadie people came on and started to setup. Luckily they were pretty quick about it, but in the mean time there were some huge ass retards in the audience getting on my nerves. For instance this one girl thought it would be a pretty keen idea to shout out all of the members names (which she pronounced WRONG) and then whatever little Japanese she knew (such as sugoi, kakkoi, and the like.) and combine the two for a "KEE-YOOO SUGOIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!" She went on with this for a while until I replied with a "SHUT THE FUCK UP." she askes "Why?!" and Allison responds with a "YOU SOUND LIKE A FUCKING RETARD."
Sorry, but standing outside in the heat for six hours makes you fucking irritable and cranky. I was not up for any shit.
Did I mention the random pushing? During breaks people started to push and start a mosh pit when there was NO MUSIC OR BAND PLAYING. WHAT. WHAT. WHO DOES THAT. It was all the stupid fat guys behind us because they wanted to be xxxhxcxxx.

Either way, after a while the lights dimmed and they started playing "G.D.S" and holy shit I got really excited.

M1. G.D.S
M7. 朔-saku-
M8. 愛しさは腐敗につき
M9. 孤独に死す、故に孤独。
M10. 凌辱の雨
M12. 蝕紅
M13. Merciless cult
M14. dead tree
EN1. C
EN3. Beautiful Dirt

I was pumped and ready to shout and headbang. The bad thing was at the beginning it was WAY TO QUIET. I could still hear "G.D.S", but it wasn't POUNDING IN MY EARS like it should. It was so quiet that Allison could shout "TURN IT UP. D8" and they did. It was really awesome though, it would've been better if it wasn't for the jerks shouting "京! 京! 京! 京!" instead of "KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL!" (which they said six times instead of eight)
Then they all came out. Shinya first, Die second, and then followed by Toshiya, 薫 and then 京. The regular line up.
They kind of stood there for a bit getting the crowd more pumped but throwing their arms up into the air and pumping their fists until they went into "THE FATAL BELIEVER". After that it was "AGITATED SCREAMS OF MAGGOTS". When Allison heard it start she immediatly turned to me and made this evil smirk and squeel and sang THE PARODY LYRICS. Oh my god, it was funny. I didn't know the lyrics because...I actually only bothered to learn the parody ones, so I didn't sing.
After that it was "Mr.NEWSMAN" which got everyone screaming including myself. It was a song that I was really looking forward to because come on, it's Mr.-fucking-NEWSMAN.
I was really energetic and happy at this point so I was kind of bouncing up and down and throwing my fists into the air. (Which apparently amused the hell out of 薫 because everytime I did so or headbanged for a bit and stop, he would look at me and then be all "YEAHHHHH!!!" and nod.)
During "DISABLED COMPLEXES" 京 did his little bellydance thing that he does. It was really funny to hear him sing "because I was raped by you~" in person. Really funny to the point that I kind of laughed a little. (like when he walked out and GOD HE IS SO SHORT.)
The rest of the songs went by in a flash until they got ready to play "THE FINAL". This was another song that I was really looking forward to. It's been my favorite song for a very very long time now and I was too excited to get all emotional because of it, but what ever. Everyone was really into and singing. It was pretty cute.
Again, songs went by pretty fast and nothing horribly special or memorable went on until we finally heard the beginning of "OBSCURE"...
FINALLY. This was the song that really did damage to my neck because I was head banging so hard. It was worth it though, really. I wouldn't want whiplash any other way. That song will be one that will stick with me for awhile.

Sadly, it was their last song (but not really, you know this.) and they left only to be called back by chants of "DIR EN GREY! DIR EN GREY! DIR EN GREY!" (which were not in unison.)
They went into "C" and the first thing that 京 did was grab his box and throw it behind him. It looked like it was about to hit Shinya's drums at first. (Shinya thought so too, because when it came at him his eyes got HUGE and he kind of gave 京 this look afterwards that said "WHAT THE FUCK.")

"THE IIID EMPIRE" holy damn holy damn. Did they play this song at any other concert on this tour? I have no idea, but holy damn is all I can say. During this song 薫 got down from the stage a little bit and stood on a box right in from of us and played while kind of leaning his head like he usually does. holy damn.

"CLEVER SLEAZOID" was officially their last song. Again Allison has it up with the parody lyrics while I tried my best with the real ones. I had stopped for a moment to move my arm though and from the sound of it, it seemed like the whole crowd was singing the parody lyrics. I kind of felt bad, but not really because they were funny.
After the song ended, 京 went off to the side to get his bucket of water, dumped it over his head and proceeded to stumbled around the stage with a bucket on his head that said "RAPE ME." IT'S WAS BACK.

- Going to the bathroom and having pretty much all of Dir en grey watch us.

- 薫 acknowledging me in a sense. Also to Sydney.

- Touching Toshiya's hand.

I was dead fucking tired. Hell, I still am. I ran into tasu which was pretty sweet because I haven't seen her SINCE JULY 4TH.
All in all the experience will be engraved in my mind as "FUCKING AWESOME HOLY SHIT." forever.
Allison and I waited on a median while we watched everyone else leave. Our plans fell through with someone being able to give us a ride, so I had to call my mom up and have her take us home.

tour07 -inward scream-, marquee theater, bleed the dream, fair to midland, dir en grey

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